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Monday, April 03, 2006

Catching up with an Old Friend

In college, no matter what, we had three square meals a day—lunch, dinner and the 2 a.m. run to Taco Cabana. There is nothing like a bean and cheese burrito and a cup of queso in the middle of the night. It just tastes better for some reason. Perhaps that reason has to do with the cocktails that usually precede it.

Some people preferred other late night haunts like Wendy’s or Taco Bell. And others got all fancy with their late night at Kirby Lane. I don’t want a waiter—just a scratchy voice comin’ through that speaker.

Did you ever watch that short-lived show on MTV, Sorority Life? The girls at UC Davis had a weird late-night food addiction: green beans. They’d get home after 2, turn on the burners, pop open a can and feast on vegetables! Candace would be stirring them up while Amanda would whine about her problems. I don’t know which is worse: the fact that these college girls preferred green beans over refried or the fact that I remember that their names were Candace and Amanda. Fine. I know Jordan and Mara too. But that’s all.

For me, I had to squash that habit when I got out of college. I rarely make trips to the Taco C drive-thru anymore. It’s not because I don’t WANT to; believe me, I want to. But I rarely go out until 2 a.m. (when the queso craving kicks in) and Frank is really weird about it. He always says, “I’d just rather go to sleep.” No fun.

This weekend in Austin, however, after a night of wine and ¾ of a Mexican martini—1/4 went to Frank; we were supposed to split it—I gave in. We were with Liz and Daniel and I heard rumblings from them about going to Taco C. We were staying out their house so WE would HAVE to go. We had no choice. Frank couldn’t argue with it! And to my surprise, Frank was all for it.

It was good to see my old friend, bean and cheese burrito. Frank had a chicken burrito and get this: after he ate that he went BACK up to the counter and ordered something else. That is not like him at all. Spending MORE money on something he doesn’t usually want? Who was this guy?

And speaking of out of character, I didn’t order any queso. I just mooched off of Daniel’s. But when I started to scrape the queso off the plastic lid, Liz had to stop me. Thanks, again, Liz. That’s what friends are for. Oh, and friends don’t let friends eat green beans in the middle of the night. It’s just not right.


Jessi said...

Late night beaners are the best!

Liz said...

The Dundees,

I'm surprised you remember trying to scrape the queso! That was awesome. YUM Taco C and Mexican Martinis!!

Anonymous said...

We have a TC next to my office. Great for breakfast burritos, and of course queso only lunches.

Also, good for your self esteem, when we are feeling bad about ourselves, all the girls in the office, go over there to get hit on by construction workers at lunch. We also get honked at walking down Kirby on the way. Who needs therapy when there is queso!

Writinggal said...

And I didn't even mention that I tried to scrape the queso after he had already put a napkin in the queso cup--which is just one step above eating out of a trash can.

ReadBecca said...

My roommate Kimbo once came home to find me eating Kraft Macaroni n' Cheese on the floor in the living room. Naked.