I called my Grandma on Thursday and like a good granddaughter I said, “I told you so!”
During one of my visits with her I had informed the 83-year-old that I was going to quit my job to be a full-time freelance writer. She had lots of questions: “So where will you go to work?” “What? What do you mean you’ll work from home?” “Will you make any money doing that?”
I explained to her that while Frank went to business school I worked so that he could follow his dream. I said, “Now he’s going to work so I can follow my dream.” She responded with, “Your dream of not working?”
I thought THAT comment made my blood boil the most but that was before she went on to tell other relatives:
“Frank has a big job at Frito Lay [she thinks he’s like the CFO] and Elsa’s not going to work.”
After awhile of her telling people that and me rolling my eyes and sighing she would follow-up that comment with, “She gets mad when I say that" and then giggle.
“Really?” I asked her, “You noticed? Cause you don’t act like you do!”
I would call her periodically and give her updates on my writing. Try telling an 83-year-old who’s never even turned on a computer that you write articles on the Internet. “What? You mean your articles are on TV?” she asked (rather suspiciously I might add).
I decided that the lady needed proof. I sent her a magazine article I had written in Women’s Health and Fitness. That did it. She immediately called me and gushed about my talent, my fame and naturally, the enormous amount of money I must be making as a result of all of this. I didn’t argue. In fact, since Grandma is under the impression that I’m rich and famous now, I’m pretty sure she thinks that I’m stooping beneath my level by being with a guy who’s merely the CFO of Frito Lay.
After she sung my praises I just couldn’t help it. I had to tell her, “I told you so, Grandma. And you said I wasn’t even working!”
She said, “Well there goes your dream.”
What, no Britney update? Did she kick the bum out or not? I think you should post some marriage advice for that girl.
I've given Brit the same advice before both of her weddings: "Don't marry that guy." She never listens.
It's my dream to not work. Oh wait, I'm not working! I get bored not working actually. But I love being at home.
You grandmother reminds me of mine grandma. Take care of her! Not to be a bummer, but mine passed away almost 2 months ago and I miss her dearly. Give yours a kiss for me! :)
sorry about all the typos in that one... yikes!
Meredith: Yes, I will and typos are allowed on Writinggal!
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