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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

BS and the Boys

These are my fellow pregnant neighbors. Claire (left) is having a boy in May. Debbie is having a boy in March. The last four women to give birth in our neighborhood had boys. In fact, Debbie’s daughter was the last girl to be born and that was almost three years ago.

So does that mean we’re having a boy since that seems to be the trend in the neighborhood? Or does it mean we’re having a girl because too many other people are having boys?

This is how I calculate statistics. Frank explained to me, though, that whatever happens in the neighborhood has nothing to do with the sex of our baby, statistically. “It’s still a 50/50 chance,” he told me for the 427th time.

But we women like to think there’s more than statistics that goes into all this. Like when Claire told me on the phone that she was having a boy and BS kicked me, she said maybe BS was telling her baby, “I’m your girlfriend!” But then I speculated that BS might have just been saying, “Cool! I’m a boy too!” Frank chimed in again with his statistical savviness.

Really, the sex of BS could change the dynamic of the whole neighborhood:

If BS is a girl, she’ll have no built in girlfriends. But maybe she’ll play with all the boys and be into boy-stuff like climbing trees and going to the emergency room. And come prom time, she could have her pick of dates.

If BS is a boy then I guess he’ll just be one of the boys. But Frank and I aren’t all that athletic so I fear for BS in this department. Plus, the other pregnant girls have probably already registered their sons for tee ball! We might be too late.

But for the first time here on Writinggal-Expanding I see that the vote has shifted to favor BS as a girl. What could this mean? Will BS be the hottie on the block? The current vote is 52% girl, 47% boy. But as Frank reminded me, “That’s still basically 50/50.”

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