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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tanning and Texting

Leo said he's tired of being the palest baby on the block so we went outside for a little sun. (Don't tell him that the lotion I spread all over him was 50 SPF).

While we were "sunbathing" he decided to send a text to his buddy John:

Leo: Hey, dude. The weather is awesome here. How is it over there?

John: It's pretty nice on our end of the street too.

Leo: My mom's making me wear this dorky hat. I keep trying to take it off.

John: My mom does the same thing to me!

Leo: Ooh, I just got the hat off. My mom doesn't even notice. My head is gonna be so tan!

John: Good job, man!
Leo: Darn. She got it back on me. But I don't care because I put the ring on the ring tower and now I'm clapping for myself.

John: I'm clapping for you too, dude. Enjoy your day!

1 comment:

Granny Jo said...

Oh how cute! You know I'd like those photos -- please send and thank you! Can't wait to return to Leo's house and play in the sun with Leo.

Hey Leo -- I understand -- I don't like hats either. But I love sun screen. Do you make it a habit to read this blog?