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Monday, August 21, 2006

More Name Games

You know how I feel about people misunderstanding my name. I currently have two people I run into on a regular basis who don’t have it right. One girl always calls me Elise and the other, a guy, calls me Elsie. It’s too late to stop it now.

But the other day I heard a good one for Frank. I was making dinner reservations and I said, “Frank” and the girl asked, “Maria?”

Yes, Maria.

On this same topic, I was going to tell you about how people think Thea’s name is Pam but apparently I’ve already told you about that. Here it is again in case you missed it about a year ago:

My friend Thea (Tay-uh) is in a similar predicament as you can imagine. She gets "Thee-uh" all the time which I admit is annoying but also understandable. What's not understandable is the response she gets when she introduces herself: "Nice to meet you, Pam." Pam?? When Thea first told me this I thought she was crazy...or deaf. But then I noticed when I would talk about her people thought I was saying Pam too!

Oh, and one more question: Do I look like a big yet stylish storage box to you? Then why do people think my name is Elfa?

When I have to spell my name on the phone and I say “E-L-S-A,” people often think the “S” is an “F.” I get that. I get that S sounds like F. But what if someone spelled out Melissa? Even if I thought someone said “M-E-L-I-F-F-A” I would stop for a second and think, “Hmmm…did she say S or F? Which one makes more sense?”

And in my case, “Why would someone be named Elfa?”

Maybe people think I’m the founder of that storage company. In that case, the container store can start sending me some money.

Just make the check out to Elfa and Maria Simcik.


Jessi said...

I just found a file of old letters from back in the day. One from you calling me "Jesse."

GIRL! How long had you known me??

Anonymous said...

I don't have that problem but my Craig I mean Greg does. These people call him Craig all the time, I'll say "Greg" is at work or "Greg" says hi and it is still Craig.

Anonymous said...

My name is of course never spelled or pronounced correctly.
It is embarrassing to have worked with people for years, and they introduce me as "Kristine Weedman". I give up!
CC: I sure Greg, has to say "G" as in George a lot!

Anonymous said...

Don't even get me started on this one...

Writinggal said...

Jessi, I really thought that was how you spelled your name for a long time!

Jessi said...

It's ok. I probably didn't care then. But I have no problem correcting people now.

Writinggal said...

Also, Frank doesn't know the difference between Cindy and Sydney. So if your name is one of those then he's not sure which it is (and he probably won't address you by your name).