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Monday, February 22, 2010
Uh-oh, Jesus
Accidental Environmentalists
Friday, February 19, 2010
It's not just black history month...
February is Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month
Friday 02-19-2010 8:29am CT
It is true, February is the month to return those shopping carts. And just in case you don't know how to return a cart, has step by step instructions for you.
Every year, millions of shopping carts are left all over the place and abandoned from their supermarket homes. Carts are found on the side of the road, by schools, random driveways, and in sewage ditches. All of these missing cards need to be replaced by the store; and with an average of $100 per cart, the money damage can add up.
1.Return your cart to a designated "cart rack" or aisle. These can be found in various places throughout the parking lot or nearby the store's entrance.
2.Leave your cart near the entrance and carry grocery bags to your vehicle by hand. It'll be courteous to another customer by exchanging hands on the cart.
3.Take a cart that is near your vehicle to shop with instead of taking one by the entrance. This method helps out the courtesy clerks and avoids the homeless of capturing a cart.
4.Ask the cashier or bagger to double the bags. If you have to walk somewhere, don't use a cart to assist you in carrying things. Try taking in your own canvas tote bags, instead. You may find them easier to carry, and they can double as your basket as you shop.
5.Have a bagger escort the cart to the vehicle to help you unload groceries. He or she then will wheel carts back to a designated area. Only if they offer though, don't be demanding.
6.Take a walk. If there's a cart in your neighborhood and you live near the store, walk the cart back.
7.Make a call. If you see a cart loose around your neighborhood, look around for the store whose cart it is. Many carts have numbers right on them for cart pick-up. Some cities also have shopping cart hotlines. Phone this number and be prepared to explain where the cart is.
Back to Writinggal: I have noticed that cart abadonment is high in the winter since people make the excuse that they're too cold to take responsibility for their carts. Here's what's been going on in my cart crusade lately: I found a cart across a busy street from a Kroger and I walked it back. I passed a policeman and I told him, "I'm not stealing this cart. I found it and I'm returning it!" He acted like I was lying but come on, do I look like a cart thief? I did have a couple of encounters in parking lots (one in the rain where I told the guy, "Hey, I know it's raining but you could still take back your cart!") But rather than risk a parking lot punch-out, I've taken to praising those I see walk really far to return their carts. If you've been doing your part and taking back your cart, keep it up...even after February!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Snow Slide Lives On
Leo misses the snow but he has created a snow slide with his chair--totally his idea! I think he was inspired by the winter olympics. He may have a shot at the games someday, if not as an athlete, as a commentator.
Translation: "Okay, okay. Watch."
Even his Thomas the Train book gets in on the action!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy Elsa Valentine's Day
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Snow Scenes
The family in the snow:
The view from Writinggal Headquarters this morning:
More snow scenes on my expanding blog!
Snow Scenes
Frank and Leo built this snowman in front of our house!
The only kind of ball Leo hasn't encountered--a snow ball!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Easter Basketball
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Video Montage
The original purpose of this post was to show you how Leo can say "I love you." I've learned, though, that videos more than 45 seconds take FOREVER to post. I'm talking all day, all night and it still doesn't post! So I decided to just post three videos that would actually work (although they are completely unrelated, aside from the lead character).
1. "I love Rah Rah." This is the sequel to "I love you" where Leo said he loved me, dada, Popsy, Granny Jo and Nana. I told him to say that he loved Rah Rah and he laughed hysterically. A few minutes later he started saying "I love Rah Rah" so I got a quick video of that:
2. Dancing at Tia's House:
3. Chatting with best friend John:
Aging Out
1. Forever 21 (12-21)
2. Express (18-35)
3. Ann Taylor (30-60--I had to make this one a big range since Granny Jo and I both like to shop here!)
4. Talbot's (50+)
This should give you a good guideline for when you're trying to categorize other stores. For instance, The Gap is most on par wtih Express so it's #2. Charlotte Russe is like Forever 21 so it's #1. And please note that I do allow for some cross-over time. There are times in your life when you can shop at two levels.
I really should have formed this list long ago because for some reason, I thought that, at age 33, I was still allowed into #1. I was wrong.
I was at the mall and I wandered into F21. The other people in there weren't just college kids or teens, they were tweens. Again, I'm 33. They're 12. It would take two-and-a-two-thirds-tweens to make me. I think I saw some two-thirds-sized girls in there. Plus, the clothes were just small and weird and disposable-looking. I walked out after seven seconds and sought refuge in Express--a store I thought was more mature, like me.
Now I still like the clothes in Express and I still think I can pull them off. But when I found myself wanting to go up to the sales clerk and say, "Could you PLEASE turn this music down?" I knew I was on my way out. I've got two good years left. I better stock up on Editor pants and camis.
Then I'll spend the next 15 years at Ann Taylor--unless I have a daughter. Then I can sneak into F21 with the other two-thirds gals.
Thursday, February 04, 2010
We just got back from the Y where he performed the song for all the amazed playcenter workers.
And here are just a couple of cute pics of our little singer. He earned those fake cookies today!
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Catholic Cool
But I know better.
The Catholic church has a brilliant strategy for recruiting new members. While other churches beg prospects with lots of sales-pitch-style pressure, the Catholic church plays hard to get. Also, other religions take anyone with a pulse and the registration process is speedy. Catholics are picky and you have to go through a rigorous nine-month training program just to join.
See, when you make it harder to join something people are more likely to want to join. For instance, "Auditions for the dance team will be held on Friday. Only four spots available" is much more enticing than "Join the dance team! No talent necessary!" Everybody wants to be part of an elite group.
That's why, over eight years ago, I accidentally became Catholic. It sounds impossible: "Oops, I'm a new religion!" But yes, it happened to me. Not that I regret becoming Catholic. I'm totally down with it all--the saints, confession, the rosary. (Okay, I hardly ever pray the rosary or go to confession but I feel guilty about that which makes me 100% Catholic.)
I grew up Episcopalian but I didn't get confirmed as a teenager because I didn't want to have to carpool with this other guy to take the classes. Fast forward to 2001 and Frank and I were trying out different churches in Dallas--one week we'd do Episcopalian and one week we'd do Catholic. They're pretty much the same, really.
On a trip to San Diego at Easter time, we attended the vigil mass and saw adults being confirmed. "So it's not too late for me!" I thought. When we returned to Dallas I called one of the Episcopal churches and asked if they had adult confirmation classes. They said no. I called a Catholic church and they said they had them on Thursday nights. That was my favorite TV night. (Life was so funny before DVRs!) I called another Catholic church, St. Rita's, and they offered confirmation classes on Tuesday nights. Perfect. I signed up.
The first night of class the Deacon said, "I can't believe so many of you want to be Catholic!" (This was during all the priest scandal stuff.) "Now, some of you might take a few classes and decide, 'I'd rather be Jewish. I'd rather be Baptist.' And that's fine. Being Catholic isn't for everybody."
After this intro I learned two things:
1. By signing up for confirmation classes at a Catholic church I was actually signing up to become Catholic. Who knew?
2. If they were going to be this no-pressure about it, I totally wanted to be Catholic.
For the next nine months of classes I learned about the religion, met other prospective Catholics and really enjoyed our weekly lectures. It was more like a college classroom setting than a preachy-church setting. And never, ever did the Deacon bad-mouth another religion. I had visited other churches with friends growing up where the minister or preacher spent the entire sermon ridiculing other faiths. That feels very brainwashy to me.
But at the Catholic church it's more like, "This is who we are. Take it or leave it. And if you want to take it, you're gonna have to take classes. And by the way, we don't really care if you join. We've got plenty of people."
And that's how I became part of the flock.