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Thursday, July 07, 2011

Signs you’re in a Pyramid Scheme

Have you ever noticed that people who are in pyramid schemes never seem to know that that’s what they’re doing? They call it “multi-level marketing” and somehow think that makes it all different. That’s because in a true pyramid scheme (which is illegal), there is actually no product being sold. But with MLM, there IS a product, it’s just that the product is secondary to the real business going on—recruiting friends and acquaintances to pay into the business. So I say it’s still a pyramid scheme, just a legalized pyramid scheme.

The popularity of social media is breeding even more pyramid schemers, I’ve noticed. Sometimes they’re pedaling their products but most of the time, they’re pushing the scheme—that is, trying to recruit more disciples to buy into the biz. If you’re not sure if your “job” is part of a PS, I’ve put together this handy checklist to help you out.

If you are required to buy a heap load of product to start your job, you might be in a pyramid scheme.

(Please add “You might be in a pyramid scheme” silently to yourself for each subsequent item.)

If you throw parties or have friends throw parties that require friends to bring their checkbooks…

If you feel compelled to recruit friends to sell products…

If 75% of your Facebook and Twitter posts are about getting people to “join your team"…

If the other 25% of your Facebook and Twitter posts are about how great your life is because you work for yourself…

If you find yourself preaching about your products and your get-rich-quick career to anyone who will (or won’t) listen…

If you stalk women at Target and approach them about your business…

If friends are running from you or won’t call you back because all you talk about is trying to get them to sell something…

If other people on your team have won cars and trips but you haven’t because you feel awkward hitting up your friends and/or strangers at Target…

If your business model looks like this…




Liz said...

This is amazing and hilarious. And accurate.

Jacquie said...

I live by your advise "I never throw a party where guests are required to bring their checkbooks."

GR said...

What are you trying to do? Shut down the American economy. Our entire economy is a pyramid scheme.
Excuse me, there's a Mary Kay person at the door.