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Monday, November 02, 2009

Too Hot v. Too Cold

It’s starting to get a little cold here in Atlanta and as always, when temps start to change, my mind returns to the age-old question: Would I rather be really hot or really cold?

To me, this is more perplexing than the chicken or the egg. I cannot come up with a good answer. Now if you’re not someone who often wonders about your preferences for hot v. cold but you want to become that person, let me give you this warning: do not pose the question while under extreme temperatures—neither hot nor cold. If you do, you won’t find a true answer. If you ask yourself if you’d rather be hot or cold on the 4th of July at 2pm in Dallas, Texas, you’re definitely gonna go with arctic conditions. If you ask the question on February 23rd while wearing a t-shirt in Durango, Colorado (little plug for my Durango family!) you’re gonna wish it were Dallas on 4th of July. It's kinda like going to the grocery store when you're really hungry.

But now is a good time to ask the question—at least if you’re here in Atlanta. It’s in the 60s. It’s pretty nice. So let’s break it down with a good old pro/con list:

Really Hot:

Pros: You can wear very little clothing. You can always cool off in a pool. Sweat sometimes makes for good styling gel. Good excuse to drink cold drinks like beer and margaritas.

Cons: The extreme sweating ruins make-up, can destroy a hair-do (for those of us who are major head sweaters) and can make you look silly if you’re prone to armpit stains. And as Frank says, “You can always put on more clothes. You can only take off so many.” (He is a vocal proponent of “really cold.”)

Really Cold:
Pros: Like Frank said, you can always put on more clothes. Hair always looks good. Cold air gives face that pinkish glow (hot air does that too, actually). Good excuse to drink warm drinks like hot chocolate and cider.

Cons: dry skin, chapped lips, shaking, overall miserableness.

Well this didn’t help one bit. In general, I prefer warmer temps and everything that goes with that but we’re not talking about warm, we’re talking about hot. And I’ve left several UT football games because I was too hot. But cold…ugh. Being really cold is just plain awful.

Now I’m no closer to my answer AND I have that Katy Perry song stuck in my head: “You’re hot then you’re cold, you’re yes then you’re no…”


Granny Jo said...

Since you haven't experienced menopause, I'll add this one for you -- when you're having hot flashes, you prefer artic cold! Also, hot and humid may give you a bad hair day, but cold and dry can do the away,static hair. And I was loving the snow last week in Durango until I had to drive to the grocery store, dodging ice patches on roads and grey slush in the parking lot!

Kristin said...

I'd rather be "waking up in Vegas"!
I mean I prefer warm weather, and since we were talking about Katy Perry songs...

And sometimes there are not enough clothes to make you warm!