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Monday, June 09, 2008

A New Tradition

When Baby Charlie was born I got his mom, Jacquie, a cool shirt:

Every year on his birthday Jacquie wears the shirt and then in her Kodak Gallery album she shows the pic above with the caption “What a difference…” and then shows a recent pic in the same pose and adds the birthday for that year. In this case it said:

...three years makes!

I got her a shirt for one-year-old Colman too (with long sleeves since his b-day is in January).

Well, Jacquie got ME a cool shirt for Leo’s birth so we’re going to start the tradition too!

Here is his "before" shot:

I anticipate that this will be much trickier when he’s 16.


Jacquie said...

At sixteen, Leo can hold you for the pic! You both look great.

Jessi said...

Too cute!