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Thursday, July 08, 2010

The Couple That Runs Together…

Frank and I ran our first race together back in 2001. It was called “Cupid’s Chase” and it was Valentine’s Weekend in Dallas. At the end of the 5K, they combine your totals. I think we placed like third in our age group. I also think there were only four couples in our age group.

But look, we won medals and everything!


After the above picture was taken we took another one where we posed like runners, ready to start a race.




We waited nine years to do our second run together (this time a 10K) and thought it would be cute if we did that same pose again:


This blog would be so much cuter if I could actually find that original picture where we are posed like runners. But alas, I put it in my picture shower curtain and when I threw that out, I think the picture (which was probably mildewed) went out too. (I miss that picture shower curtain.)

So anyway, we may only run together every nine years (and actually, neither time did we actually run together) but we have fun when we do it.

We better start training for our race in 2019!


Liz said...

Congrats... y'all are cuter now than you were even then!!! That's muy impressive.

Writinggal said...

Thanks, She! We did look kind of pasty and pudgy back then.