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Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I don’t even have a real job with co-workers but I still get URTAs (Unnecessary Reply to All).

What’s an URTA? It goes like this:

Someone sends out a mass email.
One of the email recipients replies to all with information that is only necessary for the original sender.

Here’s an example of one that I encounter as a spin instructor:

From Fitness Manager: Hi, Team. We are going to have a spin-a-thon in a couple of months. We’re going to hold a meeting about it on Friday. Let me know if you can come!

URTA: Hi. I think I can come. My son’s tee-ball game is at that time and he’s third up to bat (or tee). If I watch him play for a little bit I could make it over there but I will probably be about 15 minutes late. Is that okay?

It may not seem like that big a deal but think about this: There are about 200 instructors. If 20% of them pull an URTA then I’ve got twenty extra emails in my inbox!

Sometimes people do a different version of an URTA…the embarrassing one. More like an ERTA:

From co-worker: Please join us for cake and ice cream in the conference room in honor of Lucy’s last day.

ERTA: If Lucy beats us to the conference room there won’t be any food left! Better get there early!

I actually had a co-worker do an ERTA on a client that said something to the effect of, “She’s smoking crack if she thinks we’re gonna do that.”

He had to take her to lunch. See? ERTAs can cost you.

But on the other hand, sometimes people need to RTA and they just R. For instance, if someone is coordinating a social get-together with just a few people then it’s best to RTA. That way everyone can know who’s going and together you can make decisions. Or better yet, use Evite.

The lesson here? Think before you URTA. And especially before you ERTA.


Writinggal said...

Liz just pointed out that 20% of 200 is actually 40. Oops. Frank must be so ashamed!

Kristin said...

That drives me crazy. In our office we were recently asked to send the serial # and other info about our computers to IT. Almost everyone URTAed! Finally someone put a stop to it.
It happens a lot on listserv too. You can imagine in a place like UT URTAing can get out of control. :)

Unknown said...

I always blind copy if I don't want people to URTA.