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Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Naughty or Happy?

Gus is learning about opposites AND Dr. Seuss. Here is what he has to say about those subjects:

Also, I was the "mystery reader" at Gus' school today. I read Green Eggs and Ham in honor of Dr. Seuss. When I made my entrance Gus ran over and hugged me. Then he sat in the chair next to me as I read the book. About three pages in he stood up and screamed, 


It was the sweetest. thing. ever. 


GR said...

Gus's behavior during your visit was very touching and I assume he didn't bite anyone.

Writinggal said...

No, but Leo falsely accused Gus of biting this afternoon, right down to biting himself so he would have evidence. He fessed up when I questioned him.

Granny Jo said...

I love that Gus said opposite of naughty is happy (not nice) because when we are being naughty we are usually not feeling very good about ourselves or life in general. Just a thought from the Granny!