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Wednesday, January 08, 2014


Leo is REALLY good at creating mazes. I have to admit that, the other day when I wasn't feeling great, I was a little annoyed that he asked me to do like, 53 mazes. But they ARE pretty impressive. And when I can't get to the finish on the first or second try, I'm not even faking. They are challenging! He puts in lots of "dead ends" and lately there have been "scary pictures" (like ghosts or jack-o-laterns) at the dead ends. 

And I am not the only one who is impressed. This other mom at swim lessons said matter-of-factly, "That is a math skill, an upper level math skill." I don't know what her background is but I got the impression she knew something, like maybe she had been a math teacher? Or a mathematician? Anyway, I did not know that mazes = math so I was pretty proud. She went on to say that creating the mazes is much harder than doing the mazes. (And there I was taking at least three tries to get his maze!)

As usual, Leo is super humble about the whole thing: He told the other parents at swim lessons today, "I am the best at doing mazes!" 


GR said...

[I can't help myself] I'm just aMAZEd at Leo's talent!

Granny Jo said...

A-MAZE-ing! What a gifted mind! Leo could market his mazes.

Writinggal said...

Leo is good at math; GR is good at puns.