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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Smart Phones and SAHMs

Back in 2008 when I accidentally became a Stay at Home Mom, (I thought I was primarily a writer with a baby as my secondary job but it turned out to be the other way around) I joined a playgroup. The moms in the playgroup were emailing about getting together--what time, where, which type of Goldfish were preferable--cheddar or multi-colored, typical SAHM chatter. One mom sent this email:

"I can meet up at 10am. Sent from my iPhone."

This was amusing to me. Why would a SAHM need a smart phone? I thought. I even mentioned it to Frank later. "What does she do with this iPhone--Schedule play dates? Answer time-sensitive emails about poopy diapers? Navigate her way to Kroger's?" Ridiculous. No, me and my flip phone were just fine.

But quickly all the other SAHMs started sporting Blackberries and iPhones. They were all checking their email on the go and using the apps and the calendar. I realized that I, too, was always out and about and if I had to wait to get to my home computer, I would miss out. SAHMs plan everything via email and Facebook--parties, playgroups, meet-ups. We share tips; we commiserate; we sell, trade, barter. It's like a business and it's all done online. A computer just doesn't cut it. Because another thing I found out is that, even at home, the only time you can look at your computer is when the kids are sleeping. Well you could miss a whole day's worth of business if you waited for that.

So in 2009 I got a Blackberry and became a SAHM with a smart phone. And I LOVED it. When you're home with kids you can feel isolated but when you can quickly check your smart phone, you're able to text with other SAHMs, read their Facebook posts and plan quick trips to the park. I went from knowing one SAHM with a smart phone to knowing only one SAHM without one.

Just last week Apple announced the iPhone 5 and who was one of the million-plus people who pre-ordered one? ME! Not Frank, an important business executive. Me, the Stay at Home Mom. It was critical that I not only had a smart phone but I had the latest and most up-to-date version. I'm supposed to get it sometime this week. I'm so excited, considering some sort of bejeweled case. I'll have to see what the other SAHMs in Frisco are doing. I bet I can even blog from it! So from now on you may see posts that end with "sent from my iPhone."  And the best part is that the kids can play with it when we're at restaurants so we can eat in peace.

I'm also excited about Siri. Hmmm, I wonder if she can advise on important SAHM matters like the pros and cons of a carpool drop-off,  what will happen if my kid eats mac and cheese for dinner every day and which is superior--the Diaper Genie or the Diaper Champ?


Thea said...

Oh I can't wait to play with your new phone! I'm not eligible for a new one until the day after Thanksgiving.

Writinggal said...

That's what we can do for entertainment! You can help me figure it out.

Liz said...

This is awesome. And I do love my iPhone. A lot! And equally as importantly (there's a grammar issue there somewhere), I love my OtterBox cover because Charlie can play with it (or I can drop it) and I'm not worried about it shattering into a million pieces.

Jessi said...

If you switch over to Wordpress, you can blog from your phone! Come to the dark side :)