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Tuesday, June 08, 2010

The Life of Leo


When Leo turned two we decided to let him watch TV. Okay, fine, he was 20 months but that’s close enough, right? At first he liked watching Sesame Street and Thomas. He would stand in front of the TV and dance and shout and interact with the shows.

Now he’s really into this show “Dinosaur Train.” It’s all he wants to watch. It’s actually a pretty good show. See, there are these dinosaurs and they ride a train. I guess you pretty much got that from the title.

The episodes are 15 minutes so I just let him watch that much at a time. We’re now in this habit of watching Dinosaur Train after each meal. It works out well because I can clean up the kitchen while Leo does this:



He looks like a lazy teenager! Oh, and he always puts this pillow down on the floor when I turn on one of his shows.


That’s why I like the following picture. It kinda sums up what Leo’s into these days:


1. Sitting on his pillow and watching Dinosaur Train

2. Playing basketball

3. Wearing a band-aid even though he has no visible injury.

And one more thing about the band-aid: when I put it on his knee (which is where he requests it even if he injures his arm or head), he says he can’t walk. And then he stands there stiff-legged and refuses to move. “I can’t walk!” he cries. The first time, I almost believed him. He was that convincing. Now I know it’s just an act. I tell him, “That is an Oscar-worthy performance you’re giving, but if you want to watch Dinosaur Train, you’re gonna have to walk into the living room.”

Works every time.


Kristin said...

Wow Leo, what a great life! Does Mommy bring you bon bons while you watch TV?

Love, Tia K

GR said...

Come to our house, Leo, and we'll sprawl on the floor (with pillows, of course) and watch sports.

Granny Jo said...

I remember a lollipop phase when I was visiting in March. Band aids are so much better than lollipops.

Writinggal said...

Oh, the lollipop phase is still in full effect! Today, Leo tagged along with me while I interviewed someone for a story. I was sitting there holding a half-eaten lollipop and a Scooby-Do band-aid the whole time.