He’s getting cuter and funnier!
Here is what he’s up to:
Beyond the Ball: I think I’m going to do a whole blog about Leo’s obsession with balls so I’ll keep it brief here. He now knows that there are different types of balls: high ball (the game he invented), beeg ball (big ball), keek ball (kick ball), foot ball, bah-ball (basketball), bat ball (his baseball bat and ball set). He can’t say it yet but he’s working on another game called door ball where he bounces the ball up against a door (or cabinet or fridge).
“Up Down” He loves to say and demonstrate this: Hands up high for "UP" and crouches down for "DOOOWWN."
Hot and cold: He knows that when I put something in the microwave I’m making it “haught.” And when we open the fridge it’s “code.” The oven is haught and as of this week, the windows are code.
Foreign language: I know some of his words sound Spanish (“beeg” for “big”) but he’s more into Romanian. He’s learning it from our Romanian neighbors across the street. Okay, all he can say is “Pa Pa” which means “Bye Bye.” He says it anytime he sees any of them. And when he sees their house he says, “Baby” because they have a nine-month-old.
Animals: His favorite animals are Ike (Ms. Chantal’s Chihuahua) and Kit Kat (John’s cat). When we arrive at either of their houses he announces the animal’s name: “Ike!” or “Kit Kat!”
Favorite games: He loves to play Ring around the Rosy (which Granny Jo taught him). But he just spins around in circles and he usually falls before we get to the “we all fall down” part.
Favorite songs: He still loves his Leo CD but sometimes he prefers Mommy’s singing. I thought maybe I had a future as a children’s singer but I’ve noticed other kids don’t like my singing as much as Leo. He loves the “Wheels on the Bus” and can do all the motions unprompted.
Okay, Leo is currently not able to amuse himself with his tool bench anymore so I better end this here. Enjoy the pics and video!