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Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Halloween Scenes

The recession has hit everyone; even the train industry isn’t immune to economic woes. Instead of hiring engineers and conductors, they just hire one guy (or girl; it’s an EOE) to do both jobs. Leo paid tribute to that this Halloween when he dressed like an engineer but behaved like a conductor by taking tickets and shouting, “All Aboard!”



Two nights before Halloween Leo debuted his costume at a festival. We went with Leo RR that night but for Halloween changed it to Leo Express. On Halloween night he partied with his buddies, went trick-or-treating and then swam in his candy.


IMG_3163IMG_3161IMG_3182 IMG_3184  IMG_3174IMG_3177Leo.John.Halloween  IMG_3199 IMG_3207 IMG_3209 IMG_3211 IMG_3214


Granny Jo said...

I just LOVE my little conductor!!!

Writinggal said...

"Hello, it's me, the conductor!!" He gets so into character!

Granny Jo said...

And he looks like he's doing his special train conductor dance.