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Saturday, May 28, 2016

Last Days Craze

Both boys had their last days of school this week. Gus finished up Pre-K. Turns out he liked Pre-K so much he is going to do it again next year. (But this time it will be Pre-K: "The Young Fives" edition.) And Leo finished first grade, which fortunately, he will not be doing again.  

Gus' last day:

Gus' class had a party and some SUPER CREATIVE, crafty mom thought of having the kids decorate foam visors with foam stickers--Thanks, Gus' mom, for the awesome summer head gear!

And then it was Leo's turn to pose--and this year he did a DIY sign: 

At the First Grade party:

With one of his teachers who was so sweet to always scratch Leo's back and arms every day. 

With his wonderful and patient teacher who should be nominated for sainthood. 

Gus stuck around after the party to have lunch with Leo and his wild friends (see sainthood comment above).

Leo and his ladies after school

First day of summer: swim practice, doctor's appointment, lunch with daddy and then...THIS!! I don't think they have napped at the same time since Gus was a newborn. I am hoping this is a regular thing for summer 2016! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Gus' Preschool Blessing

It is a tradition at Gus' preschool for the pre-k classes to have a blessing ceremony where they sing a couple of little ditties. Be sure to keep your eyes on Gus (as if you would look anywhere else!) during the "if I were a fish in the sea" part. Lots of interesting wiggling! 

The first song was just his class and the second was his class and the other pre-k class. (More of them are going on to Kindergarten so that is why they might seem more advanced ;)

It was SO adorable as you can see, and I remember singing both of these songs when I was young and almost as cute as Gus! 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Gus' Green Thumb + See ya Later, Splint!

Gus was beaming after school about his bean plant. He was showing everyone and the teacher said, "Gus' plant is the best one! Look at the roots. All the kids wanted to look at his!" So I said, "Gus, you have a green thumb!" He said, "My thumb's not green!" He is excited to take care of it in this flower bed that grandmother planted. 

As for Leo, he has had a splint on his teeth (see top picture) for about six weeks. He fell off his bike at our neighborhood Easter egg hunt and his top two permanent teeth got a little wiggly. So he sported these braces-like things for awhile. He thought it was cool, like he was a teenager, he said.
But now he's back to being an eight year old boy. Oh, that's another thing: Leo turned eight since I last posted. I am such a blog slacker that I haven't posted about that or even taken our "What a difference..." picture! I promise to do that soon...before he has real braces.